My Better Half & Me

My name is Ronnie Nichols. I live in a little community in southeast Tennessee called Harrison. It is near Chattanooga, TN. This website was created to share some of my ideas and interests. These may include some of my woodworking and luthiery projects, some of my stringed instrument repair articles, my E Book (1956), some of my stringed musical instruments I’ve built, some of my music and videos, and generally whatever comes across my mind. Here is an audio clip that tells a lot about me. It is my recording of a song I wrote several years ago. The title is: “The Old School Days”. You may detect that I’m not interested in being politically correct and my values generally reflect a traditional way of thinking.


I’m now retired and have been happily married to my wife, Dene, for over 53 years. I enjoy woodworking, acoustic music, my family, and friends. We have three grown children, two grandchildren, and two great grand children.

     We used to be involved with a monthly Bluegrass Music Show called “The Snow Hill Bluegrass Jamboree” (which went on for over 17 years). It looks like the Chinese virus has brought this show to an end. We were forced to shut it down in March, 2020. It now appears that this shut down will be permanent. Due to all the restrictions that will be imposed on the crowds if we tried to reopen, Chief Harris and I have decided that we will not try to continue this show. We thank all our patrons and musicians for 17 years of fun and for being able to help the community. Maybe things will improve in the future, but it looks pretty bleak for live music venues at this point. A lot of our patrons were older folks and most of them are afraid to get in a large crowd at this time. I hope someone will jump in and continue the type show we had in this area. I think it was important to have such a venue, but I’ve had my 17 years at this and it is time for a younger generation to take over these duties. Several people have expressed to me an interest in continuing this type of show and I hope someone will step up and take it and continue this tradition somewhere in the area.

I also play acoustic type music (guitar and banjo) and used to sing at some senior events in the area and at some nursing homes and assisted living places until Covid. The name of my band is “Katie and The Moron Trio”. Although this sounds like a 3 piece band, it is a single act. I’ve written several songs through the years. I sing some of my original songs and some traditional ones that I have modernized or altered. I truly enjoy attempting to entertain folks. Pictured below is my homemade performing chair/gear hauler. It allows me to transport my equipment and then it unfolds and allows me to perform while sitting in it. Also, I sometimes play with some other guys as “The Harrison Grass” Bluegrass Band.

I do a limited amount of repair work on stringed instruments. You might see some articles on this site about some repair jobs I’ve done.

I’ve also built some traditional and non-traditional acoustic instruments.


I’ve built several banjos, guitars, basses, and other things. I’ve designed and developed several non-traditional banjos including some wooden topped ones. I also designed and built several Walloons like the one pictured below. These banjo like instruments feature a National type cone and are light weight (around 4 pounds or less).

I’ve spent a lot of years honing my skills at acoustic stringed instrument repairs. I only work on projects that interest me. I have also developed some banjo accessories including the Nichols Banjo Bridges, Nichols Banjo Armrests, Nichols Pick Boxes, Nichols Tuner Buttons, ETC.

I’ve also remodeled or converted some banjos and guitars to something that I felt sounded or played better. I have spent a lot of time experimenting with different things to enhance the sound of acoustic instruments or make them easier to play. I do not depend on this income to provide for my family as it is mostly for pleasure to me. I also enjoy other woodworking projects such as wood turning on a lathe and making tools and jigs.

I also have made some rings from 90% silver U.S. coins (mostly minted before 1965). I have always enjoyed working with my hands.

I’ll mention a couple of other things in which I have some interest. I did a lot of research a few years back on my family genealogy. I spent a good bit of time exploring my family history. I did a lot of research on the Nichols, Ballew, Smith, Davis, and Ward lines. Below is an article about my maternal great grandfather getting run over by a train in 1911. The article in the Cleveland, TN newspaper said he was “addicted to the drink habit”. My grandmother was one of the 2 children he left behind.

This is a tragic report of something that forever shaped my Mother’s family. I may add some genealogy pages to this site at a later date.

I also developed an interest in the hobby of metal detecting a few years ago. I enjoy searching mainly for coins . I have 2 metal detectors. Both are Minelabs. One is an Explorer and the other is an Equinox. I do this for fun and to get some exercise, too. I may make some videos about this in the future or add some pages here. Below is a picture of one of my recent finds. It is an 1893 Barber Quarter. Although it is 126 years old and 90% silver, these coins are not extremely valuable. Being in the ground for so long takes it’s toll on the condition of them. (Condition is an important factor in value on coins). It is enjoyable to find something buried in the ground that is this old, though.

On February 28, 2014, I had some surgery to remove a tumor from my head. The surgery was successful and the tumor was benign. I had a heart attack around the last of February, 2018. They installed a stent and I’m now doing pretty well for an old man. Going through all this made me realize more than ever how much God has blessed me. He gave me a wonderful family and He allowed me to get through these surgeries and to stay around this world a while longer. I give the Lord Jesus Christ all the credit and I seek to do whatever He left me around here to do. Going through these surgeries brought me closer to my Savior, my family, and my friends.

Below is a picture that was made around Christmas of 2009. It is hard to believe that this was over 12 years ago. Since then, my brother, Paul has died. He was my only brother and he was a great guy. All my family loved him. He taught me a lot of things and was one of the most giving persons I’ve ever known. We went through a lot of things together and never had a problem that we couldn’t work out. Looking back, I realize how much of a model of Christ he was to me. He had his flaws just like all the rest of us, but I truly think his life was more Christlike every day. We all miss him a lot.

The same bunch

Below is a picture of our family made at Christmas, 2017.

Here is a picture of our family at Christmas Eve, 2018.

Here are our 3 children.

I hope to use this website to share some of my interests and at the same time glorify Jesus Christ. This is not a preaching website, but I want you to know that anything I have built, written, or sung is because of His grace and mercy. He deserves all the credit. He is the One who keeps the blood coursing through our veins and this old world spinning in space.

I plan to post some articles on here about some of my woodworking projects, some of my original music, stories about things that interest me, links to my favorite sites, and so forth. Although this website is a .com site, this doesn’t mean that the main purpose for it is to sell things. The things you see listed on here may or may not be for sale. I’ve spent a lot of years developing some of these things and I want to share them with others. If you see something that interests you, let us know. Check back often for updates and added information. We welcome your comments.

   As of January, 2024, I have 343 videos on my YouTube Channel. I started out adding links to these videos on this website, but there are too many to list now. If you want to see any of these videos, here is a link to my channel’s home page:

      One more thing I want to add. As far as I know, free speech is still legal in this country. In these times, people are quick to criticize folks for what they say. I’m not running for public office and I really don’t mind if you disagree with me over anything. If you don’t like what is on this site, don’t look at it. Nobody is twisting your arm to see this site. I’m tired of these people who only look for something to disagree or gripe about. A fellow recently commented on one of my YouTube videos and said my voice was annoying but he watched it with the sound muted. I wondered if he was disappointed because I didn’t say “ax” instead of ask or because I didn’t say “You know” every few words. We sincerely appreciate your looking at our site, but I tend to share Grandpa Jones’ philosophy, (don’t give out any crap and take very little).

Here is my contact information:

Ronnie Nichols

8642 Brenda Drive

Harrison, TN 37341

Phone (423) 344-3213

Cell (423) 402-1019


My YouTube Channel:


39 Comments on "Home"

  1. Walter Jenkins | November 8, 2014 at 1:08 am | Reply

    nice site!

  2. | November 8, 2014 at 1:31 am | Reply


    • Michael Davenport | October 18, 2022 at 9:46 am | Reply

      Enjoyed reading through your new site, Glad we have been blessed with continued health and memory. Just wish I could remember lyrics to songs.

      • | October 18, 2022 at 12:28 pm | Reply

        I’m glad you enjoyed the site. I know what you mean about remembering words to songs. They are hard to remember sometimes. Thanks.

  3. cotton williams | November 14, 2014 at 8:36 pm | Reply

    Why am I not surprised that this a great website? Because a genius constructed it that that is why.

    • | November 14, 2014 at 9:04 pm | Reply

      No, Cotton, I did it myself. Thanks for the kind words. I hope you find something you like on here.

  4. I have become so blessed to have met you over the years since we moved to Ooltewah in 2007. I am now trying to learn the 5 stringed Banjo with Ed Allison’s help and loving the experience. I think I am lousy but I have never had any musical training and am determined to stick with my personal goal of joining you and Ed one day on the stage at the Jamboree. May God bless you and all the “Pickers” who view this great new website.

  5. Great site Ronnie. Love the song. Thank you for all you do at Snow Hill.

  6. Ronnie, thank for sharing, Great Website. Like you, I am so thankful that your surgery went so well and that you can get on with your many talents. Linda and I feel blessed to have you and as our friends.



    • | December 1, 2014 at 9:12 pm | Reply

      Jim: We have always felt privileged to call you and Linda our friends. Thanks for the kind words. Ronnie

  7. Ray Goble told us about you. I need my banjo pegged and head tightened. If you can help me out before Christmas please let me know.

    • | December 11, 2014 at 12:29 pm | Reply

      I think I may be able to help you. Just call me at 423-344-3213. We’ll set up a time to look at it. Thanks, Ronnie

  8. That is a good looking family you have there, especially that one holding the little girl! Nice website dad. Google+ sent me a mail showing what I was missing so I got to check it out. You’re pretty tech savvy for a grandpa.

  9. I really love your music that I heard today on Banjohangout. Congratulations!

  10. Looking forward to meeting you in person someday. I’m learning to play acoustic with Slim Johnson. He’s shared many stories and showed some of projects you’ve done.

    • | July 2, 2019 at 1:11 pm | Reply

      Chris: I’m sorry to be so long in responding to your comment. Slim told me about you. I saw him yesterday. He’s a good friend of mine. I look forward to meeting you in person, too. Keep up the practice on the guitar. It is good therapy, too. Ronnie

  11. Debie Taylor | June 30, 2019 at 4:04 am | Reply

    I was “tagged” recently on my Facebook page with a youtube video of Marty Geesling that somehow came from a video of yours. Marty Geesling was my son-in-law and my husband and I loved him as our own son. Losing Marty changed our lives completely and forever. He was such a loving husband to our daughter, Jenny and a great daddy to our grandson, Ethan Taylor Geesling. Ethan does not know his daddy, being only 15 months old when Marty was killed. However, Ethan has so many mannerisms that are clearly Marty’s that it makes me happy and sad to see them. Thank you for posting the videos, otherwise I would have never found the two you have. They are very precious to me. Sincerely, Debie Taylor

  12. Ronnie, you and Dene are two of the best people I have ever met! I love it when I see yalls names on my schedule for the day! I know no matter what is going on that yall are going to make my day brighter somehow! Yall always do! It may be just the kind words, the bright smiles, or the silly jokes that everyone loves, but just know that everyone truly thinks the world of you two! Yall are special people and touch more peoples lives than you will ever know! Just keep being yall! We all adore yall!!! Thank You!!!

  13. | September 28, 2019 at 12:29 pm | Reply

    We are blessed by God to have a great doctor and a great nurse named Tosha in our lives. We feel the same about everyone who works in the office with you. I’ve heard some scary stories from friends about some of the doctor’s offices in the area, but you and all the folks at Harrison Medical Center are very professional and caring. Thanks for being so nice to my whole family. You make a visit to the doctor pleasant. Ronnie

  14. Wow. Ronnie Nichols. I don’t know if you’ll remember me or not Sir, but my name is Russell Dill. You and my daddy Sherrill, (Thurman) used to pick and grin together quite a bit as I was growing up. I was actually just looking up bluegrass music and songs about Chattanooga and stuff and ran across your website. Excellent job!! Very well put together. It’s good to find you Ronnie. You and Ms. Dene look great and just like I remember. Drop me a line if you have the time.

  15. | October 21, 2019 at 2:11 pm | Reply

    Russell; It’s good to hear from you. We do remember you and your family. I sent you an email. Ronnie

  16. My name is Ronnie Sears. My brother in law Gary Edmons told me about you. And your a very interesting man. I hope to meet you at the nine mile festival at his farm ir the fire department

    • | February 14, 2020 at 5:28 pm | Reply

      Thanks, Ronnie. I’ll be looking forward to meeting you in May at 9 Mile. The Edmons Family are good folks who always have made us feel welcome at their festivals.

  17. would you be able to make me some wood tuner knobs, vintage kluson style, for my guitar?

  18. Mr. Nichols: it’s been a pleasure to visit your site after its mention at Essential Craftsman (which I love). I saw your beautiful guitar pick boxes(is that even right? They’re Round!). Is there any chance you make any for sale? My nephew is getting married in two weeks and is an avid (and pretty accomplished player in my mind) guitarist and I would be honored to give him one. If not, no problem as I have a lathe and I think I’ll give it a go. I am a newbie at the lathe so any tips on the right wood or method would always be helpful. In any event, it’s been great to visit your site and I’ll check out your links.
    Jim Kennedy
    Ellwood City Pa

    • | June 23, 2020 at 10:53 pm | Reply

      Thanks for your comments! I’m also a big fan of Scott and Nate and their Essential Craftsman YouTube channels. Those folks know their stuff. I’ll send you an email about the pick boxes. Thanks again for visiting my website. Ronnie

  19. Billy Bodwell | June 26, 2020 at 1:38 pm | Reply


    Essential Craftsman guided me here. 🙂 Fantastic little website you’ve created, and some very fine musical instruments as well. Beautiful work, and it’s always great to see old and/or damaged instruments given a new life and voice. -thumbsup-

    I especially enjoyed your “The Old School Days” tune, and will put it in my regular playlist to enjoy for as long as I’m able.

    Best regards to you and your family.

    Billy B.
    (from the coast & high desert of SoCal)

    • | June 26, 2020 at 1:49 pm | Reply

      Thank you for your kind comments. May God bless you and your family. Ronnie

  20. I have an old cassette that was give to me about 1990 by my dear friend Ed Morris from Hiram, GA. The group on the tape is Clear Creek and they do an awesome job of the old Earnest Tubb song Letters Have No Arms. Was that you guys with Marty Geesling singing. I’ve always enjoyed this tape but couldn’t find out anything about Clear Creek.

    • | November 22, 2020 at 3:45 pm | Reply

      Fletcher: Clear Creek was from upper east Tennessee around Livingston, TN. Charles Geesling was the leader and father of Marty Geesling. Their band suddenly ended with the tragic death of Marty in an explosion years ago. Charles still has a band all these years later and still plays around the area. They had a great sound and Marty was a real talent. Ronnie Nichols

  21. Robert Buckley, from Michigan | September 29, 2022 at 4:32 pm | Reply

    Hi Ronnie- I was surfing the web and came across your site 🙂 and love it!!! I’m going to turn 85 at Christmas, Born again believer ,Love Jesus since 1983, I love spending time in the barn turning bowls on the lathe. Also a Member of Nat. Wood Carvers wood carvers. I like your little boxes, I’m going to try and make some !!! You be good to yourself. Keep yourselves in the Love of God… Jude 1:21

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